Feast of Mercy Altar Mass








Jesus made it clear that He wants everyone to know about the Feast of Mercy and that it should be publicly celebrated. In response, Mercy Sunday Momentum is the vehicle to help prepare for, promote, and celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday.

Sponsored by Mother of Mercy Messengers and the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception

Sign up to receive the very best plan and resources throughout Lent to help build momentum toward the greatest celebration of the Feast of Mercy on Divine Mercy Sunday.


  • Short videos introducing the Divine Mercy message and devotion to share with those who don't know about it.

  • In-depth videos and articles by Marian Fathers and other Divine Mercy experts.

  • Life-changing testimonials - True Stories, True Mercy

  • Creative ideas to enhance the celebration of the Feast of Mercy.

  • Suggested products and resources to make sharing the Divine Mercy message easy.

Find a Celebration near You

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Meeting Address
plot 41b Mutungo Hillroad

Point of Contact
Cassandra Kembi
[email protected]




Father Chris Alar, MIC invites you to put your special Divine Mercy Sunday celebration on the map.

"The Lord made it clear that He wants the whole world to know about the unfathomable graces available on Divine Mercy Sunday. Many parishes and dioceses have public celebrations. We want to make sure that those looking for these gatherings can easily find them. So please put your event on the map."

Click on Father's picture to view his personal invitation. Share the video with others and let's fill up the map! 

Fill out this form to put your public extraordinary celebration on the map.

If someone would like to join your event or celebration, whom should they contact?
Where is your event or celebration happening?
We'll use this to place a marker on the map above.

Enhance Your Knowledge of The Feast of Mercy
 The Greatest Day of Grace



  • Jesus’ own words about His desire for the public celebration of the Feast
  • The incredible graces available for the world
  • What happened the First Sunday after Easter in 1935
  • The surprisingly simple precepts for receiving unfathomable mercy
  •  Helpful tips for celebrating the Feast of Mercy both at Mass and beyond
  • How to create your own Mercy Sunday “wish list”
  • Suggestions for living Jesus’ mercy year-round
  • And much, much more!

12 Pages 8 1/2 x 11 PDF

Download Feast of Mercy

Building Momentum for Divine Mercy Sunday
A Parish Guide


The Mercy Sunday Momentum Parish Guide is packed with resources and ideas to help elevate your celebration. Download, print, and share it with those working to spread the good news about the Feast of Mercy. It's free!

8 Pages 8 1/2 x 11 PDF

Download Parish Guide

Momentum Content Library

Visit the library for great information to help prepare for, promote, share, and celebrate the Greatest Day of Grace. Short videos, expert teachings, ideas, posts, testimonies, and resources are gathered here for quick access.  Click the banner below and scroll through each category of the Momentum Content Library.


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